Thursday, May 10, 2007

pictures of May

potted plants on patioSteve rescued the crabapple from the chain link fence adjoining our backyard. He thought it was a pear tree, but we're almost as happy that it turned out to be a crabapple.

crabapple blooms
The geraniums and rosemary were overwintered in the basement, but now get to come outside on the patio. Cilantro was started from seed in February.

tulips by fence
This is from a few years ago. Only two of these tulips came back this year.

The south-facing patio is a micro hotspot, occasionally allowing sunbathing in the spring.

I planted this crabapple tree (Malus 'Royalty') in 1987. Before that there was one of the old peach trees which had been planted by Caesar Capucci, but it was dying and had to go. Violets growing wild under the tree have been encouraged over the years by pulling out competitors.

Petals fall.

Early peas waiting to climb the trellis. Lettuce grows nearby.

Garlic, in the background, was started in the previous fall.

A redbud tree and lilac bush from two adjoining yards make us appreciate our neighbors in close city lots.